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Original BP record

Index: 142.13 / 142.4 714
Index bis: 142.13 / 142.4 O. Durham Univ. Inv. 1989-5
Titre: TAIT W.J., A Coptic 'Enquiry' about a Delivery of Wheat.
Publication: Christopher EYRE, Anthony LEAHY and Lisa MONTAGNO LEAHY (Edd.), The Unbroken Reed. Studies in the Culture and Heritage of Ancient Egypt in Honour of A.F. Shore = The Egypt Exploration Society. Occasional Publications. 11 (London, 1994) pp. 337-342, pl. XL.
Résumé: Delivery of wheat, in Coptic with a Greek subscription. Bawit Monastery (?), seventh century A.D.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXVI, 16730.
No: 1994-0784


64392. W.J. Tait, "A Coptic 'Enquiry' about a Delivery of Wheat." in Christopher Eyre , Anthony Leahy , and Lisa Montagno Leahy eds.The Unbroken Reed. Studies in the Culture and Heritage of Ancient Egypt in Honour of A.F. Shore, The Egypt Exploration Society. Occasional Publications. vol. 11 337-342. [xml] [edit]

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SB XXVI 16730