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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 620
Index bis: 145.4 C.P.R. XVIIA, 16 P. Rainer Cent. 68
Titre: THOMAS J. David, 1) Epistrategoi in P. Rainer Cent. 68. - 2) A Note on CPR XVIIA 16.
Publication: Tyche 9 (1994) pp. 181-185.
Résumé: 1. Epistrategoi in P. Rainer Cent. 68. The date of the text (A.D. 234-235 or soon after). - 2. A Note on C.P.R. XVIIA, 16. Reconstruction of the text (lines 1-5).
No: 1994-0790


64398. J. David Thomas, "1) Epistrategoi in P. Rainer Cent. 68. - 2) A Note on CPR XVIIA 16.," Tyche, 9 (1994), pp. 181-185. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

P. Rainer Cent. 68