Original BP record
Index: 141.4 364 Astronomica et Astrologica Magica Natalicia Praedicta Oracula (Sortes Astrampsychi)
Index bis: 141.4 P. Berol. Inv. 21198; 21300; 21316; 21336; 21337; 21341; 21347; 21358
Titre: BRASHEAR William M., New Greek Magical and Divinatory Texts in Berlin.
Publication: Marvin MEYER and Paul MIRECKI (Edd.), Ancient Magic and Ritual Power = Religions in
the Graeco-Roman World. 129 (Leiden, 1995) pp. 209-242 et 8 pll.
Résumé: 1. Inv. 21300. Wartetext. Provenance unknown, 4th century A.D. - 2. Inv. 21198. Apotelesmatikon.
Provenance unknown, 2nd to 3rd century A.D. - 3. Inv. 21336. Magical Formulary. Provenance
unknown, 4th century A.D. - 4. Inv. 21337. Christian Amulet (?). Provenance unknown,
6th century A.D. - 5. Inv. 21341. Sortes Astrampsychi. Provenance unknown, 3rd century
A.D. - 6. Inv. 21358. Sortes Astrampsychi. Oxyrhynchus, 3rd century A.D. - 7. Inv.
21316. Horoscope. Dime, May 15, A.D. 141. - 8. Inv. 21347. Astrological Text: Zodiac
(?). Provenance unknown, 2nd century A.D.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXII, 15230-15235.
No: 1995-0095
64598. William M. Brashear, "New Greek Magical and Divinatory Texts in Berlin." in Marvin Meyer and Paul Mirecki eds.Marvin MEYER and Paul MIRECKI (Edd.), Ancient Magic and Ritual Power, Religions in the Graeco-Roman World. vol. 129 209-242. [xml] [edit]
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