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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 660 670
Index bis: 141.4 P. Mich. Inv. 2833a; 3030; 3045; 5983; 6462b
Titre: SIJPESTEIJN Pieter J., Five Fragmentary Papyri from the Michigan Papyrus Collection.
Publication: ArchPF 41 (1995) pp. 178-188 et figg. 26-30.
Résumé: 1. Inv. 2833a. Registration of a Loan of Money. Karanis, August 7, A.D. 176 (?). - 2. Inv. 3045. Cession of Land. Karanis, A.D. 222-235. - 3. Inv. 5983. Loan of Money. Karanis, III/IV A.D. - 4. Inv. 6462b. Sale of an Animal. Karanis, early IV A.D. - 5. Inv. 3030. Selection of Boys. Arsinoë, between A.D. 253-260.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXII, 15325-15329.
No: 1995-0760


65263. Pieter J. Sijpesteijn, "Five Fragmentary Papyri from the Michigan Papyrus Collection.," ArchPF, 41 (1995), pp. 178-188. [xml] [edit]

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