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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 620 630
Index bis: 141.4 P. Mich. Inv. 138; 2844; 2872b; 2900a; 2941; 3239 recto; 3239 verso; 3434; 4395a; 4788; 4814c(1); 4833a; 5299a; 5586a; 5587a; 5587b; 5839; 5938; 6340; 6354b; 6541a
Titre: SIJPESTEIJN P.J., Receipts from the Michigan Papyrus Collection.
Publication: ZPE 109 (1995) pp. 87-109 et pll. XI, 2-XVI.
Résumé: With the exception of Nos 4-5, 8, 11, 17-18 all the other texts originate from the excavations at Karanis. - 1. Inv. 4833a. Receipt for τέλος καταλοχισμῶν. A.D. 211/12. - 2. Inv. 5839. Receipt for Taxes on an ἐνοίκησις Contract. December 26, A.D. 121. [Addendum (Parallel to No. 2). P. Mich. Inv. 138. Purchased in Egypt, October 9, A.D. 124.] - 3. Inv. 5938. Receipts for Beer Tax. May 15, A.D. 94. - 4. Inv. 5587a. Receipt for ναύβιον κατοίκων. Kerkeësis, A.D. 129/30. - 5. Inv. 5587b. Receipt for Garden Taxes. Exo Pseur, March 1, A.D. 184. - 6. Inv. 2872b. Receipt for Garden Taxes. III A.D. - 7. Inv. 6541a. Receipt for Vine Land and ? October 7, A.D. 211. - 8. Inv. 5586a. Receipt for Rent of Dry Pastures. Kerkeësis, A.D. 203/04. - 9. Inv. 2941. Dating Formula. 25 February-26 March, A.D. 203. - 10. Inv. 5299a. Dating Formula. 29 September-28 October, A.D. 215. - 11. Inv. 3434. Receipt for an Unknown Tax. Arsinoite nome, March 10, A.D. 87. - 12. Inv. 2900a. Receipt for Payment in Kind. June 10, A.D. 207. - 13. Inv. 2844. Receipt for Payment in Kind. August 13, A.D. 164. - 14. Inv. 6340. Receipt for Payment in Kind. A.D. 204/5. - 15. Inv. 4395a. Receipt for ἐννομίου. April 4, A.D. 170. - 16. Inv. 4788. Receipt for πενθήμερος. (post) September 2, A.D. 168. - 17. Inv. 3239 recto. Receipt for φόρος βαλανείου. Theadelphia, July 24, A.D. 230. - 18. Inv. 3239 verso. Lease of Three τόποι. Theadelphia, III A.D. - 19. Inv. 4814c(1). Receipt for μονοδεσμία χόρτου. III A.D. - 20. Inv. 6354b. Receipt for Rent. A.D. 231/2.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXII, 15848-15868.
No: 1995-0764


65267. P.J. Sijpesteijn, "Receipts from the Michigan Papyrus Collection.," ZPE, 109 (1995), pp. 87-109. [xml] [edit]

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