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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 364 Epistulae
Index bis: 145.4 O. Coll. privées: O. Bresciani
Titre: BÜLOW-JACOBSEN Adam, Ghost-Vegetable. A Re-edition of SB VI 9610.
Publication: ZPE 110 (1996) pp. 124-126.
Résumé: O. Coll. privées: O. Bresciani (= S.B. VI, 9610). Wadi Fawakhir?, II A.D. In line 2 reads the well known Roman cognomen Sagitta instead of the strange word ολγιττα.
No: 1996-0146


65589. Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, "Ghost-vegetable. A re-edition of SB VI 9610.," ZPE, 110 (1996), pp. 124-126. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

SB 6 9610