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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 230
Index bis: 141.4 P. Mich. Inv. 4615c
Titre: SIJPESTEIJN P.J., The Consuls of A.D. 358.
Publication: ZPE 112 (1996) p. 218 et pl. XII, 2.
Résumé: Mutilated papyrus excavated at Karanis (probably a receipt of a kind), December 18, A.D. 358. It attests for the first time the consulate of the consuls of A.D. 358 in a papyrus.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXIV, 16266.
No: 1996-0669


66113. P.J. Sijpesteijn, "The Consuls of A.D. 358.," ZPE, 112 (1996), pp. 218. [xml] [edit]

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