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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 610 630
Index bis: 141.4 P. Lond. III, 1284(a); 1284(b) descr.
Titre: SIJPESTEIJN P.J., Two Papyri from the Reign of Valerianus and Gallienus.
Publication: ChrEg 71 (1996) No. 141, pp. 115-119, 2 figg.
Résumé: 1. P. Lond. III, 1284(a) descr. Receipt for (ὀκταδραχμία). Provenance unknown, A.D. 257/8. It shows a to date unattested titulature of the emperors Valerianus and Gallienus and the Caesar Cornelius Valerianus. - 2. P. Lond. III, 1284(b) descr. Text of an Uncertain Nature. Provenance unknown, A.D. 253-260. <oktadrachmia>
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXIV, 16049-16050.
No: 1996-0671


66115. P.J. Sijpesteijn, "Two Papyri from the Reign of Valerianus and Gallienus.," ChrEg, 71 (1996), pp. 115-119. [xml] [edit]

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