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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 630 640 660 670
Index bis: 141.4 P. Berol. Inv. 21737 recto; 21750; 21753; 21754 recto; 21755; 21891
Titre: SYRCOU Angeliki, Six Byzantine Documents.
Publication: ArchPF 42 (1996) pp. 79-111 et figg. 21 et 23-27.
Résumé: 1. Inv. 21753. Application for Remission of Taxation. Oxyrhynchus, AD 540. - 2. Inv. 21891. Receipt for Adaeratio and Oinokreon. Aphrodito, sixth century. - 3. Inv. 21755. Dialysis of Inheritance. Provenance unknown, sixth century. - 4. Inv. 21737 recto. Dialysis of Property. Provenance unknown, sixth/seventh century. - 5. Inv. 21750. Lease of Land and Loan of Wheat. Aphrodito, sixth century. - 6. Inv. 21754 recto. Lease of a τόπος. Provenance unknown, sixth century.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXIV, 15955-15960.
No: 1996-0699


66143. Angeliki Syrcou, "Six Byzantine Documents.," ArchPF, 42 (1996), pp. 79-111. [xml] [edit]