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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 143.12 / 4 143.4
Index bis: 141.4 P. Durham Oriental Mus. Inv. 1978.8 143.12 / 4 T. Durham Oriental Mus. Inv. N 2004 143.4 T. Durham Oriental Mus. Inv. Wel. 136
Titre: WORP K.A., A Greek Papyrus and Two Mummy Labels from Durham, U.K.
Publication: ZPE 113 (1996) pp. 221-223 et pl. IX, 3-4.
Résumé: a. The Papyrus. Inv. 1978.8. Short notification by a priest Ammonios to two 'sons', Aphous and Horion, about money owed after a transaction concerning the price of hemp. Ptel, Oxy. Nome, 5th century A.D. - b. The Mummy Labels: 1. Inv. Wel(come collection) 136. Hermonthis, 2nd or 3rd century A.D.; - 2. Inv. N 2004 (formerly: collection Duke of Northumberland). One side with a Greek text, the other with a text in demotic. Late Ptolemaic/Early Roman.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXIV, 16275-16277.
No: 1996-0781


66225. K.A. Worp, "A Greek Papyrus and Two Mummy Labels from Durham, U.K.," ZPE, 113 (1996), pp. 221-223. [xml] [edit]