Original BP record
Index: 145.4 260 413 670 680
Index bis: 145.4 P. Kellis Gr. I, 21; 30; 38a; 42; 67; 71 P. Med. Inv. 68.53 P. Oxy. XLII, 3016;
XLVII, 3332; XLIX, 3464; LXII, 4343
Titre: LEWIS Naphtali, Notationes legentis.
Publication: BASP 34 (1997) pp. 21-33.
Résumé: Ξενοκρίται in P. Oxy. XLII, 3016. - Εὐγενέστατος. In papyri this honorific epithet
does not antedate the Dominate. - Registrations of Status, not Birth. "Declaration
of birth" is a misnomer. - On Roman Affinities in Antinoite Status. - Heptanomia Headquarters
at Antinoopolis. - Absentee Landlords. P. Oxy. XLVII, 3332 identifies the complainants
of P. Oxy. XLIX, 3464 as being domiciled in Oxyrhynchus. - How Impure? About the uncleaned
wheat in P. Oxy. LXII, 4343, 2-3. - The Postumus Papyrus. P. Med. Inv. 68.53 [ed.:
Carla BALCONI, Rabirio Postumo dioiketes d'Egitto in P. Med. inv. 68.53?, Aegyptus
73 (1993) pp. 4-5, pl.], 1. - Notes on Kellis Papyri. - Mundane Hybris. Frictions
with ὕβρις between Egyptians and Greek-speaking settlers.
No: 1997-0452
Mentioned Texts
- P. Med. Inv. 68.53
- P. Oxy. XLII 3016
- P. Oxy. XLVII 3332
- P. Oxy. XLIX 3464
- P. Oxy. LXII 4343
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