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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 630 930
Index bis: 145.4 B.G.U. VII, 1663
Titre: VINSON Steve, Dimensions and Proportions of Pharaonic Ships in Literary, Monumental and Archaeological Material.
Publication: ArchPF 43 (1997) pp. 69-73, 1 tabl.
Résumé: À propos de: Ivo J. POLL, Ladefähigkeit und Grösse der Nilschiffe, ArchPF 42 (1996) pp. 127-138. - Confirme l'interprétation de B.G.U. VII, 1663.
No: 1997-0777


67084. Steve Vinson, "Dimensions and Proportions of Pharaonic Ships in Literary, Monumental and Archaeological Material.," ArchPF, 43 (1997), pp. 69-73. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

B.G.U. VII 1663