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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 145.4 240
Index bis: 141.4 P. Petra Inv. 10 145.4 P. Nessana III, 82
Titre: DANIEL Robert Walter, Toponomastic Mal in P. Nessana 22 [sic, lire: 82] and P. Petra Inv. 10 (Papyrus Petra Khaled & Suha Shoman).
Publication: ZPE 122 (1998) pp. 195-196.
Résumé: P. Petra Inv. 10 (to be published in the near future) contains a wealth of Semitic, for the most part Arabic, toponyms and names of houses and parts of houses written in Greek letters (sixth century). Thanks to a parallel in line 4 of P. Nessana III, 82, it was possible to recognize in line 150 of P. Petra Inv. 10 the first element of a toponym as being mal 'property'.
No: 1998-0147


67381. Robert Walter Daniel, "Toponomastic Mal in P. Nessana 22 [sic, lire: 82] and P. Petra Inv. 10 (Papyrus Petra Khaled & Suha Shoman).," ZPE, 122 (1998), pp. 195-196. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

P. Nessana III 82