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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 145.4 740
Index bis: 141.4 P. Lille Fackelmann Inv. 75 145.4 P. Stras. 768
Titre: KRUIT Nico, Age Reckoning in Hellenistic Egypt. The Evidence of Declarations of Birth, Excerpts from the Ephebe Registers, and Census Returns.
Publication: A.M.F.W. VERHOOGT and S.P. VLEEMING (Edd.), The Two Faces of Graeco-Roman Egypt. Greek and Demotic and Greek-Demotic Texts and Studies Presented to P.W. Pestman = Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava. XXX (Leiden, 1998) pp. 37-58, tabl.
Résumé: In all cases, an inclusive method of reckoning ages was used. - P. 48, n. 37: Edition of P. Lille Fackelmann Inv. 75. Fragment of a census return. Antinoite nome, 201/2 p.C. - Pp. 56-58: Appendix. P. Stras. VIII, 768.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXIV, 16223.
No: 1998-0340


67575. Nico Kruit, "Age Reckoning in Hellenistic Egypt. The Evidence of Declarations of Birth, Excerpts from the Ephebe Registers, and Census Returns." in A.M.F.W. Verhoogt and S.P. Vleeming eds.The Two Faces of Graeco-Roman Egypt. Greek and Demotic and Greek-Demotic Texts and Studies Presented to P.W. Pestman, Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava. XXX 37-58. [xml] [edit]

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