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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 245
Index bis: 141.4 P. Col. Inv. 83
Titre: TACOMA Laurens E., Replacement Parts for an Irrigation Machine of the Divine House at Oxyrhynchus. P. Columbia inv. 83, October 12, AD 549 (?).
Publication: ZPE 120 (1998) pp. 123-130, 1 tabl. et pl. III.
Résumé: Pp. 128-129: Appendix: The Mechane Receipts.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXIV, 16312.
No: 1998-0615


67851. Laurens E. Tacoma, "Replacement Parts for an Irrigation Machine of the Divine House at Oxyrhynchus. P. Columbia inv. 83, October 12, AD 549 (?).," ZPE, 120 (1998), pp. 123-130. [xml] [edit]

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