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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 930
Index bis: 145.4 P. Wisc. II, 80
Titre: MAYERSON Philip, Measures (μετρηταί) and Donkeyloads of Oil in P. Wisc. II. 80.
Publication: ZPE 127 (1999) pp. 189-192.
Résumé: Uses P. Wisc. II, 80 as a counterbalance to the testimony of EPIPHANIUS, De mensuris et ponderibus on the weight of oil in an Alexandrian xestes as well as on the number of xestai in a sacred metretes.
No: 1999-0137


68261. Philip Mayerson, "Measures (μετρηταί) and Donkeyloads of Oil in P. Wisc. II. 80.," ZPE, 127 (1999), pp. 189-192. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

P. Wisc. II 80