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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 145.4 146
Index bis: 141.4 P. Cair. sans No. d'Inv. + P. Lond. VII, 2098 145.4 P. Cairo Zenon I, 59014 P. Cairo Zenon I, 59112 + P.S.I. V, 545
Titre: CLARYSSE Willy, Claudio GALLAZZI and Nico KRUIT, Three Joins from the Zenon Archive.
Publication: AncSoc 30 (2000) pp. 5-27, 3 figg.
Résumé: 1. Fragment of a letter (W.Cl.). P. Lond. VII, 2098 + P. Cair. sans No. d'Inv. (known only through the transcript of C.C. EDGAR). Date unknown. - II. Un unico conto dell'archivio di Zenone (Cl.G.). P. Cairo Zenon I, 59112 + P.S.I. V, 545. 26 novembre 257 a.C. (dossier di Panakestor). - III. United at last (N.K.). P. Cairo Zenon I, 59014 a (= P.S.I. VII, 867) and b (= P. Cair. sans No. d'Inv.). Both fragments are continuous. Porterage account of goods imported from abroad.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXVI, 16503-16505.
No: 2000-0155


68951. Willy Clarysse, Claudio Gallazzi, and Nico Kruit, "Three Joins from the Zenon Archive," AncSoc, 30 (2000), pp. 5-27. [xml] [edit]