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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 364 Epistulae 714
Index bis: 145.4 P. Harris I, 107
Titre: GARDNER Iain, Alanna NOBBS and Malcolm CHOAT, P. Harr. 107: Is this another Greek Manichaean Letter?
Publication: ZPE 131 (2000) pp. 118-124 et pl. III.
Résumé: Argue that P. Harris I, 107, long considered one of the earliest Christian letters on papyrus from Egypt, has been both misdated and misclassified as regards the religious affiliation of its writer. The letter should be assigned a date in the late third or early fourth century; Manichaen authorship is probable. Greek text, translation and commentary.
No: 2000-0269


69072. Iain Gardner, Alanna Nobbs, and Malcolm Choat, "P. Harr. 107: Is this another Greek Manichaean Letter?," ZPE, 131 (2000), pp. 118-124. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

P. Harris I 107