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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 660
Index bis: 145.4 P.S.I. I, 78
Titre: GONIS Nikolaos, Acknowledgement of Indebtedness for Rent in Kind: PSI I 78 Revised.
Publication: APapyrol 12 (2000) pp. 201-202.
Résumé: Hermopolis, Vth century.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXVI, 16475.
No: 2000-0283


69086. Nikolaos Gonis, "Acknowledgement of Indebtedness for Rent in Kind: PSI I 78 Revised.," APapyrol, 12 (2000), pp. 201-202. [xml] [edit]

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