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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 416
Index bis: 145.4 P. Bala'izah II, 381 P. Brooklyn 15 P. Col. Inv. 83; X, 276 P. Princ. Inv. AM 11244 P. Vindob. Graec. Inv. 14069
Titre: GONIS Nikolaos, Six Notes on Documentary Papyri.
Publication: ZPE 129 (2000) pp. 179-181.
Résumé: 1. The Strategus Aurelius Anubion in P. Col. X, 276. - 2. P. Col. Inv. 83 [ed.: Laurens E. TACOMA, Replacement Parts for an Irrigation Machine of the Divine House at Oxyrhynchus. P. Columbia inv. 83, October 12, AD 549 (?), ZPE 120 (1998) pp. 123-130, 1 tabl. et pl. III]: A Receipt for Cogs. - 3. P. Vindob. Graec. Inv. 14069 [ed.: Francisca A.J. HOOGENDIJK, Zwei byzantinische Landkäufe, Tyche 10 (1995) pp. 21-26 et pl. 3]: A Posthumous Reference to the Patricius Athanasius. - 4. S.B. XVIII, 14006 [= P. Princ. Inv. AM 11244]: A Church and its Possessions. - 5. P. Brooklyn 15 and the Ghost-Name Πκῦρος. - 6. Ηλαυδ, a Ghost-Name in P. Bala'izah II, 381.
No: 2000-0293


69096. Nikolaos Gonis, "Six Notes on Documentary Papyri.," ZPE, 129 (2000), pp. 179-181. [xml] [edit]

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