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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 230
Index bis: 145.4 P. Lond. III, 1286 descr. P. Princ. Inv. Dep. 7548 P. Vindob. Graec. Inv. 28694
Titre: GONIS Nikolaos, Three Consular Dates.
Publication: ZPE 132 (2000) pp. 183-186 et pl. I.
Résumé: 1. P. Lond. III, 1286 descr.: A Curious Combination. 24 May or 23 June 225. - 2. S.B. IV, 7444 [= P. Princ. Inv. Dep. 7548]: Date and Rent. 3 September 327. - 3. SB XX 14535 [= P. Vindob. Graec. Inv. 28694]: Which Basilius? A 481 date seems to be preferable to a date in 541.
No: 2000-0298


69101. Nikolaos Gonis, "Three Consular Dates.," ZPE, 132 (2000), pp. 183-186. [xml] [edit]

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