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Original BP record

Index: 241 Nome Pathyrite 630
Titre: VANDORPE Katelijn, The Ptolemaic Epigraphe or Harvest Tax (shemu). Avec résumé en anglais.
Publication: ArchPF 46 (2000) pp. 169-232, tabl.
Résumé: A. Overview. - B. The Epigraphe. A Status Quaestionis. - C. The name of the tax on grain land in the Thebaid: 'Epigraphe' = 'smw (harvest tax)' = tax of 'year X'. - D. The relation between the harvest tax and the demotic r-rh=w-texts. - E. Establishing the harvest tax. - F. The etymology and meaning of epigraphe and the status of the land subject to that tax. - G. Summary. - Pp. 200-232: Appendices: A. Bibliography; - B. The granary receipts from the Pathyrites (survey); - C. Name and frequency of the harvest tax in the Pathyrites; - D. Some identifications of taxpayers and officials in the Memnoneia, in Pathyris and Hermonthis; - E. Addenda and Corrigenda to Greek and demotic thesauros-ostraca from the Pathyrites.
No: 2000-0802


69608. Katelijn Vandorpe, "The Ptolemaic Epigraphe or Harvest Tax (shemu). Avec résumé en anglais.," ArchPF, 46 (2000), pp. 169-232. [xml] [edit]