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Index: 145.4 250
Index bis: 145.4 P. Ryl. IV, 627
Titre: ADAMS Colin, 'There and Back Again': Getting Around in Roman Egypt.
Publication: Colin ADAMS and Ray LAURENCE (Edd.), Travel and Geography in the Roman Empire (London - New York, 2001) pp. 138-166, tabl. 7.1, figg. 7.1-7.4.
Résumé: Introduces the evidence for travel provided by the papyri of Roman Egypt. - Means of Travel. - Reasons for Travel. - Travel on Public Business. - Problems and Restrictions Experienced during Travel. - Patterns of Travel. - Travel Itineraries. - Conclusion. - Notes. - P. 161: Table 7.1. Travel in Roman Egypt: distances according to various sources (after P. Ryl. IV, 627 Commentary).
No: 2001-0007


69727. Colin Adams, "„There and Back again“. Getting around in Roman Egypt" in Colin Adams and Ray Laurence eds.Travel and Geography in the Roman Empire, 138-166. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

P. Ryl. IV 627