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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 / 145.5 620
Index bis: 145.4 / 145.5 P. Sakaon 33; 34
Titre: AST Rodney, Tziper, not Q. Iper.
Publication: ZPE 137 (2001) pp. 229-230, 3 figg.
Résumé: Tziper, and not Q. Iper, is the correct reading of P. Sakaon 33, [12], 19 and 34, 11. Rea's suggestion that Valerius Ziper was still praeses of Aegyptus Herculia in December 321 is confirmed.
No: 2001-0057


69777. Rodney Ast, "Tziper, not Q. Iper.," ZPE, 137 (2001), pp. 229-230. [xml] [edit]

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