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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 146 364 Epistulae
Index bis: 141.4 P. Col. Inv. 145 (b)
Titre: BARRENECHEA Francisco, A New Document from the Sempronius Dossier: A Letter from Maximus.
Publication: BASP 38 (2001) pp. 21-34, 1 arbre généal., 1 tabl. et pl. 1.
Résumé: Arsinoite nome, second half II A.D.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXVI, 16578.
No: 2001-0093


69816. Francisco Barrenechea, "A New Document from the Sempronius Dossier: A Letter from Maximus.," BASP, 38 (2001), pp. 21-34. [xml] [edit]

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