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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 146 670
Index bis: 145.4 P. Vindob. Graec. Inv. 16719 + P. Vindob. Boswinkel 5
Titre: KRUIT Nico and Klaas A. WORP, P. Vindob. Boswinkel 5: An Expanded Re-edition.
Publication: APapyrol 13 (2001 [2003]) pp. 81-90, 1 arbre généal., 1 pl.
Résumé: New transcription of P. Vindob. Boswinkel 5 with addition of a new fragment. Marriage contract or rather a donatio propter nuptias. Hermopolis, I-VIII 304 p.C. - Pp. 86: attestations of Demetria alias Ammonia in the papyri; - 89-90: A stemma of the family of Demetria alias Ammonia.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXVI, 16502.
No: 2001-0490


70213. Nico Kruit and Klaas A. Worp, "P. Vindob. Boswinkel 5: An Expanded Re-edition.," APapyrol, 13 (2001 [2003]), pp. 81-90. [xml] [edit]