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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 364 Epistulae
Index bis: 141.4 P. N.Y.U. Inv. 5; 7; 16; 22; 34; 35; 38; 66; 71; 73; 114; 122
Titre: NIELSEN Bruce and Klaas A. WORP, New Papyri from the New York University Collection: II.
Publication: ZPE 136 (2001) pp. 125-144, 11 figg. et pl. I.
Résumé: Suite de: ZPE 133 (2000) pp. 163-186, 4 figg. et pll. I-II. - Texts: 11. Inv. 34 (ex XIVc, 5b). Settlement of a Dispute (Dialysis). Oxyrhynchite nome, IIIp; - 12. Inv. 35 (ex XIVc, 17). Declaration of Sheep and Goats. Oxyrhynchite nome (Sepho), 20/21p; - 13. Inv. 38 (ex XIVc, 58). Copy of a Sale of a Female Donkey. Oxyrhynchite nome, 28.xi.198p; - 14. Inv. 71 (ex XVIII, 34b). Fragment of a Sale Contract. Prov. unknown (Aphroditopolites?), IIa?; - 15. Inv. 22 (ex IX, 41). Contract for Parachoresis. Oxyrhynchite nome, 67/68p; - 16. Inv. 122 (ex XIVc, 84). Contract for Parachoresis. Oxyrhynchus, Ia/Ip?; - 17. Inv. 7 (ex II, 87). Letter to Apollonios from Achilles. Euhemereia?, Ia; - 18. Inv. 66 (XVI, 21). Letter of Introduction. Philadelphia, 19.ii.6p; - 19. Inv. 114 (ex XIVb, 15). Fragment of a Private Letter. Prov. unknown, IIp; - 20. Inv. 73 (ex III, 21b [d?]). Letter to Tetseiris. Prov. unknown (Oxyrhynchite nome?), II/IIIp; - 21. Inv. 16 (ex III, 21a). Fragmentary Letter of a Ship Captain (?). Prov. unknown, IIIp; - 22. Inv. 5 (ex II, 35). Letter from a Churchman. Oxyrhynchite nome, VI/VIIp. - [P. N.Y.U. II, 11-22.]
No: 2001-0655


70379. Bruce Nielsen and Klaas A. Worp, "New Papyri from the New York University Collection: II," ZPE, 136 (2001), pp. 125-144. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

  • P. N.Y.U. Inv. 5
  • P. N.Y.U. Inv. 7
  • P. N.Y.U. Inv. 16
  • P. N.Y.U. Inv. 22
  • P. N.Y.U. Inv. 34
  • P. N.Y.U. Inv. 35
  • P. N.Y.U. Inv. 38
  • P. N.Y.U. Inv. 66
  • P. N.Y.U. Inv. 71
  • P. N.Y.U. Inv. 73
  • P. N.Y.U. Inv. 114
  • P. N.Y.U. Inv. 122