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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 364 Scholastica 714
Index bis: 145.4 P. Bodl. I, 77
Titre: GONIS Nikolaos and Klaas A. WORP, P. Bodl. I 77: The King of Kings in Arsinoe under Arab Rule.
Publication: ZPE 141 (2002) pp. 173-176, 2 figg.
Résumé: Revised text and translation. Legal agreement (between 27 March and 25 April 671), reused for a writing exercise. The papyrus provides a new example of a Christian invocation by Christ, Mary and Saints, with the additional description of Christ as 'the king of kings and eternal almighty'.
No: 2002-0269


71086. Nikolaos Gonis and Klaas A. Worp, "P. Bodl. I 77: The King of Kings in Arsinoe under Arab Rule.," ZPE, 141 (2002), pp. 173-176. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

P. Bodl. I 77