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Original BP record

Index: 145.13 / 145.4 145.4
Index bis: 145.13 / 145.4 P. Mon. Apa Apollo 34 145.4 O. Ashm. Shelton 4 P. Bingen 131 P. Cair. Inv. SR 3733 (22) P. Freib. Inv. 79 P. Giss. I, 106 P. Harris I, 92 P. Kellis Gr. I, 20 P. Köln IV, 201 P. Laur. III, 72 P. Med. Inv. 281 P. Oxy. X, 1317; XIV, 1743
Titre: GONIS Nikolaos, Notes on Miscellaneous Documents.
Publication: ZPE 143 (2003) pp. 158-162.
Résumé: 1. O. Ashm. Shelton 4. - 2. P. Bingen 131. - 3. P. Cair. Inv. SR 3733 (22) [ed.: Alia HANAFI, Two Contracts of Marriage of Papyrus Collections in Cairo and Copenhagen, Atti del XXII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia. Firenze, 23-29 agosto 1998. Volume I (Firenze, 2001) pp. 571-584 et pll. XXV-XXVI]. - 4. P. Giss. I, 106. - 5. P. Harris I, 92. - 6. P. Kellis Gr. I, 20. - 7. P. Köln IV, 201. - [8. P. Ermitage Copt. 7 = P. Mon. Apa Apollo 24.] - 9. P. Mon. Apa Apollo 34; P. Oxy. XIV, 1743. - 10. P. Oxy. X, 1317 = S.B. XIV, 11847. - 11. ἀνυπολόγως ([P. Med. Inv. 281 =] S.B. XIV, 11279; P. Laur. III, 72; [P. Freib. Inv. 79 =] S.B. VI, 9562).
No: 2003-0234


71979. Nikolaos Gonis, "Notes on Miscellaneous Documents.," ZPE, 143 (2003), pp. 158-162. [xml] [edit]

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