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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 217 630
Index bis: 145.4 P. Harris I, 94 P. Oxy. XLII, 3079; XLIV, 3194
Titre: GONIS Nikolaos, Ship-Owners and Skippers in Fourth-Century Oxyrhynchus.
Publication: ZPE 143 (2003) pp. 163-165.
Résumé: Explores the prosopographical dimensions of some fourth-century lists of ships from Oxyrhynchus: P. Oxy. XLII, 3079; XLIV, 3194, 21-25; P. Harris I, 94.
No: 2003-0238


71983. Nikolaos Gonis, "Ship-Owners and Skippers in Fourth-Century Oxyrhynchus.," ZPE, 143 (2003), pp. 163-165. [xml] [edit]