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Original BP record

Index: 364 Natalicia Praedicta
Titre: HEILEN Stephan, Astrological Remarks on the New Horoscopes from Kellis.
Publication: ZPE 146 (2004) pp. 131-136, 3 tabl.
Résumé: À propos de: T. DE JONG and K.A. WORP, A Greek Horoscope From 373 A.D., ZPE 106 (1995) pp. 235-240, 1 tabl. et pl. XI [cf. P. Kellis Gr. I, 84]; - IIDEM, More Greek Horoscopes from Kellis (Dakhleh Oasis), ZPE 137 (2001) pp. 203-214, 4 figg.
No: 2004-0025


72791. Stephan Heilen, "Astrological Remarks on the New Horoscopes from Kellis.," ZPE, 146 (2004), pp. 131-136. [xml] [edit]