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Index: 145.4 600 610
Index bis: 145.4 P. Giss. I, 40
Titre: GARNSEY Peter, Roman Citizenship and Roman Law in the Late Empire.
Publication: Simon SWAIN and Mark EDWARDS (Edd.), Approaching Late Antiquity. The Transformation from Early to Late Empire (Oxford, 2004) pp. 133-155.
Résumé: I. Introduction. - II. Citizenship before the edict of Caracalla. - III. Citizenship after the edict of Caracalla. - IV. Roman law and local law after Caracalla. - V. Civitas Romana and civitas Dei. - VI. Conclusion.
No: 2004-0363


73130. Peter Garnsey, "Roman Citizenship and Roman Law in the Late Empire." in Approaching Late Antiquity. The Transformation from Early to Late Empire., 133-155. [xml] [edit]

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P. Giss. I 40