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Original BP record

Index: 145.13 / 145 145.4 146 620 630 714
Index bis: 145.13 / 145.4 P. Bala'izah II, 180; 346 145.4 P. Bala'izah II, 130; 181; 182; 289; 297; 299; 381; 386
Titre: GONIS Nikolaos, Arabs, Monks, and Taxes: Notes on Documents from Deir el-Bala'izah.
Publication: ZPE 148 (2004) pp. 213-224, 2 fac-sim.
Résumé: I. P. Bal. [P. Bala'izah] 130 [Greek]: A monk and his taxes. - II. P. Bal. 180 and 346 [Greek and Coptic]: Writing exercises and fiscal contexts. - III. P. Bal. 181 [Greek]: An entagion for sailors (a genuine communication from Qurra b. Sarik). - IV. P. Bal. 182 [Greek]: A curious pagarchy. - V. P. Bal. 211 [Coptic]: [ ? ] and pagarch. - VI. P. Bal. 289 and 386 [Greek]: Fugitives and Bala'izah. - VII. P. Bal. 294 [Coptic]: A curious dux, or a ghost. - VIII. P. Bal. 297 [Greek]: Land taxes. - IX. P. Bal. 299 [Greek]: A city to identify. - X. P. Bal. 381 [Greek]: A Muslim tax-payer.
No: 2004-0382


73149. Nikolaos Gonis, "Arabs, Monks, and Taxes: Notes on Documents from Deir el-Bala'izah.," ZPE, 148 (2004), pp. 213-224. [xml] [edit]