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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 145.13 / 145.4 145.4 630
Index bis: 141.4 P. Duke Inv. 494 145.13 / 145.4 P. Mon. Apa Apollo 29; 30 145.4 C.P.R. XIV, 30; 31 O. Tait Petrie 464 P. Berol. Inv. 2966 P. Mich. XV, 747 P. Mon. Apa Apollo 48
Titre: GONIS Nikolaos, Reconsidering Some Fiscal Documents from Early Islamic Egypt II.
Publication: ZPE 150 (2004) pp. 187-193, 2 figg.
Résumé: Continued from: ZPE 137 (2001) pp. 225-228, 3 figg. - 5. C.P.R. XIV, 30: An ὑπονοτάριος reclaims his place. - 6. C.P.R. XIV, 31: Abbreviated receipts and sheep. [Pp. 189-190: Appendix: A fiscal register from Duke. Edition of P. Duke Inv. 494. Provenance unknown, VIII.] - 7. P. Mich. XV, 747: Land, not wheat. - 8. P. Mon. Apollo 29-30: Money read. - 9. P. Mon. Apollo 48: Money, not wine. - 10. [P. Berol. Inv. 2966 =] S.B. XVIII, 13247, etc.: Writing practices from the pagarch's office. - 11. O. Petr. 464: Date revised.
No: 2004-0386


73153. Nikolaos Gonis, "Reconsidering Some Fiscal Documents from Early Islamic Egypt II.," ZPE, 150 (2004), pp. 187-193. [xml] [edit]