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Original BP record

Index: 145.13 / 145.4 145.4 146 630
Index bis: 145.13 / 145.4 O. Coll. privées: O. Kaufmann Inv. 177 145.4 O. Tait Petrie 464; 466; 468 O. Tait Préaux 2070; 2072; 2077; 2078; 2080; 2478A
Titre: GONIS Nikolaos, Tax Receipts on Coptic and Greek Ostraca Re-read.
Publication: ZPE 147 (2004) pp. 157-163, 1 tabl., 1 fig.
Résumé: Critical notes on published tax receipts of the early Islamic period. - I. Coptic Ostraca Re-read. - II. Greek Ostraca Re-read: a. O. Bodl. II, 2078; - b. O. Bodl. II, 2080; - c. O. Bodl. II, 2478A; - d. Miscellaneous [O. Bodl. II, 2070; 2072; 2077]. - III. A Small Archive. Five tax receipts from Jeme issued to the same person, Psyros son of Elias: O. Petr. 464; 466; 468; O. Kaufmann Inv. 177 [edd.: Dieter HAGEDORN und Klaas A. WORP, Ostraka der Sammlung Kaufmann in Beuron, ZPE 146 (2004) p. 162, 1 fig.]; O. Vind. Copt. 78. - P. 163: Appendix. Tables of tax receipts published in O. Ashm. Copt. and O. Brit. Mus. Copt. II.
No: 2004-0387


73154. Nikolaos Gonis, "Tax Receipts on Coptic and Greek Ostraca Re-read.," ZPE, 147 (2004), pp. 157-163. [xml] [edit]