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Original BP record

Index: 141.12 / 141.4 145.4 650 660
Index bis: 141.12 / 141.4 P. Coll. privées: P. Boswinkel Inv. 1 = P. dem. Zauzich 39 145.4 P. Stras. 208; 265
Titre: KRUIT Nico, Brian MUHS and Klaas A. WORP, A Bilingual Sale of a House and Loan of Money from Soknopaiou Nesos (P. Boswinkel 1).
Publication: F. HOFFMANN und H.J. THISSEN (Hgg.), Res severa verum gaudium. Festschrift für Karl-Theodor Zauzich zum 65. Geburtstag am 8. Juni 2004 = Studia Demotica. 6 (Leuven, 2004) pp. 339-368, 1 arbre généal., plans et pll. XXVI-XXVII.
Résumé: Col. i contains Demotic sale and cessions contracts (with Greek heading and Greek subscriptions) concerning a house and courtyard located in Soknopaiou Nesos (modern Dime), but registered at Nilopolis (perhaps modern Tell el-Rusas, c. 30 km east of Dime). Col. ii contains a Greek loan contract (with acknowledgement of repayment) for which the bilingual sales contract presumably served as security. The date is 14.ix.54p. - Pp. 367-368: Appendix. Corrected text of P. Stras. 208, 9-22 and 265, 12-15.
No: 2004-0533


73300. Nico Kruit, Brian Muhs, and Klaas A. Worp, "A Bilingual Sale of a House and Loan of Money from Soknopaiou Nesos." in Res severa verum gaudium. Festschrift für Karl-Theodor Zauzich zum 65. Geburtstag am 8. Juni 2004., P. Boswinkel vol. 1 339-368. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

  • P. Stras. 208
  • P. Stras. 265