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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 690
Index bis: 141.4 P. Duke Inv. 360; 676; 698
Titre: BAUSCHATZ John, Three Duke Petitions.
Publication: ZPE 152 (2005) pp. 187-196
Résumé: Three Greek petitions of Ptolemaic date concerning the wrongdoing of unscrupulous individuals and addressed to various officials. - P. Duke Inv. 698. Oxyrhyncha, III B.C. - P. Duke Inv. 676. Arsinoite, 196/5 B.C.? - P. Duke Inv. 360. Herakleopolite?, II B.C.?
No: 2005-0068


73863. John Bauschatz, "Three Duke Petitions.," ZPE, 152 (2005), pp. 187-196. [xml] [edit]