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Original BP record

Index: 230
Titre: GONIS Nikolaos, Stein's Style Nouveau and the Post-Consulates of Iustinus II and Tiberius II.
Publication: ZPE 154 (2005) pp. 211-213.
Résumé: Confronte les réflexions de: Ernest STEIN, Post-consulat et αὐτοκρατορία, Mélanges Bidez. II = AnnPhilHist 2 (1934) pp. 869-912 = Opera Minora Selecta (Amsterdam, 1968) pp. 315-358, à la documentation papyrologique.
No: 2005-0365


74160. Nikolaos Gonis, "Stein's Style Nouveau and the Post-Consulates of Iustinus II and Tiberius II.," ZPE, 154 (2005), pp. 211-213. [xml] [edit]