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Index: 145.4 670
Index bis: 145.4 P. Nessana III, 57
Titre: URBANIK Jakub, A Priestly Divorce in the Seventh Century Palestine. Various Legal Orders at Work (The Case of P. Ness. III 57, a. 689).
Publication: Zuzanna SLUZEWSKA and Jakub URBANIK (Edd.), Marriage: Ideal - Law - Practice. Proceedings of a Conference Held in Memory of Henryk Kupiszewski in Warsaw on the 24th of April 2004 = The Journal of Juristic Papyrology. Supplements. Volume V (Warsaw, 2005) pp. 199-218.
Résumé: Part of a 2002 PhD thesis on divorce in Roman law and legal practice of Graeco-Roman Egypt, to be published as JJP Supplement. - I. Introduction. - II. Text [P. Nessana III, 57]. - III. The Legal Patchwork: 1. Reichsrecht Applied?; - 2. Church Law vs. Pastoral Practice; - 3. The Rise of Islam and the Local Customs. - IV. Mixing the Law.
No: 2005-0781


74577. Jakub Urbanik, "A Priestly Divorce in the Seventh Century Palestine. Various Legal Orders at Work." in Marriage: Ideal - Law - Practice. Proceedings of a Conference Held in Memory of Henryk Kupiszewski in Warsaw on the 24th of April 2004., The Case of P. Ness. III 57, a. vol. 689 199-218. [xml] [edit]

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P. Nessana III 57