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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 146 364 Mimorum fragmenta
Index bis: 141.4 P. Dryton 11 + P. E.E.S. Inv. 89A/45(d) recto P. E.E.S. Inv. 89A/45(a); 89A/45(b); 89A/45(d) verso + P. Dryton 50
Titre: GONIS Nikolaos, New Texts from the Archive(s) of Dryton and Apollonia.
Publication: ArchPF 52 (2006) pp. 197-204 et pll. X-XI.
Résumé: I. A Papyrus Expanded: 1. P. Dryton 11 + P. E.E.S. Inv. 89A/45(d) recto; - 2. P. Dryton 50+ ('Fragmentum Grenfellianum'). P. E.E.S. Inv. 89A/45(d) verso offers a continuation of the beginnings of the last lines of col. ii of: P. Grenf. I, 1 = P. lit. Lond. 50 (= Pack2 1743) = P. Dryton 50. - II. Two New Texts: 3. P. E.E.S. Inv. 89A/45(a). Loan, 20 February - 21 March 124 BC; - 4. P. E.E.S. Inv. 89A/45(b). Loan of money, c. 136-124 BC.
No: 2006-0295


75017. Nikolaos Gonis, "New Texts from the Archive(s) of Dryton and Apollonia.," ArchPF, 52 (2006), pp. 197-204. [xml] [edit]