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Original BP record

Index: 241 Karanis 412 510 620
Titre: BUCKING Scott, On the Training of Documentary Scribes in Roman, Byzantine, and Early Islamic Egypt: A Contextualized Assessment of the Greek Evidence.
Publication: ZPE 159 (2007) pp. 229-247, 4 tabl., 2 figg.
Résumé: Introduction. - Archaeology and the locus of scribal training. - Levels of scribal training. - Orthography of Greek documents: an overview. - Model texts and formularies from the Roman period. - Greek scribal practices in early Islamic Egypt. - Concluding remarks. - Table 1: Ostraca found together in Room G of Structure 5002 at Karanis (5002G-A x 18); - Table 2: Ostraca finds in other rooms of Structure 5002 at Karanis; - Table 3: Orthography of προκεῖσθαι by professional scribes of the Tebtunis grapheion in P. Mich. V; - Table 4: Analysis of P. Mich. II. 122.
No: 2007-0092


75756. Scott Bucking, "On the Training of Documentary Scribes in Roman, Byzantine, and Early Islamic Egypt: A Contextualized Assessment of the Greek Evidence.," ZPE, 159 (2007), pp. 229-247. [xml] [edit]