Original BP record
Index: 145.4 146 214 230 241 Mendès 910
Index bis: 145.4 P. Lond. VII, 1938
Titre: CLARYSSE Willy, A Royal Journey in the Delta in 257 B.C. and the Date of the Mendes
Publication: ChrEg 82 (2007) Nos 163-164, pp. 201-206, 1 tabl., 1 carte.
Résumé: The abundance of information on the highest level of the royal administration thanks
to the Zenon archive [in part. P. Lond. VII, 1938] allows us to put an exact date
on the Mendes stele [Cairo C.G. 22181, 257 B.C.] and to reconstruct a royal journey
through the Delta, but it also shows how Ptolemy II, on the verge of his last major
war, spent part of his time in the Egyptian chora, visiting the temples, taking part
in religious ceremonies and even celebrated some of the most important dynastic festivals
outside Alexandria.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.E.G. LVII, …
No: 2007-0137
75801. Willy Clarysse, "A Royal Journey in the Delta in 257 B.C. and the Date of the Mendes Stele.," ChrEg, 82 (2007), pp. 201-206. [xml] [edit]
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