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Original BP record

Index: 141.4
Index bis: 141.4 P. Coll. privées
Titre: CLARYSSE Willy and Dorothy J. THOMPSON, Two Greek Texts on Skin from Hellenistic Bactria.
Publication: ZPE 159 (2007) pp. 273-279, 3 figg.
Résumé: Two documents written on skin belonging to a private collection. They presumably derive from Afghanistan and more specifically from Yousufdhara close to Bactra. - 1. Amphipolis (Bactria), late third or early second cent. BC. The record of the sum of 100 drachmas of coined silver suggests a contract. - 2. Bactria, second cent. BC. The sense of the whole text is unclear.
No: 2007-0140


75804. Willy Clarysse and Dorothy J. Thompson, "Two Greek Texts on Skin from Hellenistic Bactria.," ZPE, 159 (2007), pp. 273-279. [xml] [edit]