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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 630
Index bis: 141.4 P. Pennsylvania Univ. Libr. Inv. 11.7
Titre: COTTIER Michel, A New Customs Receipt from Philadelphia at Philadelphia and the λιμὴν Μέμφεως.
Publication: ZPE 161 (2007) pp. 187-190, 1 fig.
Résumé: Part of the small private collection assembled by Dr. Camden Cobern and sold in 1920 to the University of Pennsylvania. Receipt issued for the collection of the λιμὴν Μέμφεως-tax at the customs-house of Philadelphia. October 14, AD 216.
No: 2007-0151


75815. Michel Cottier, "A New Customs Receipt from Philadelphia at Philadelphia and the λιμὴν Μέμφεως.," ZPE, 161 (2007), pp. 187-190. [xml] [edit]

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P.Penn. Library inv. 11.7