Original BP record
Index: 141.4
Index bis: 141.4 P. Fay. 155 descr.; 307 descr. P. Oxy. III, 637 descr.
Titre: BEVAN George, Three Unpublished Documents from the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library.
Avec résumé en anglais.
Publication: BASP 44 (2007) pp. 27-40, 3 figg.
Résumé: 1. P. Fay. 155 descr. Loan through a bank. Bacchias, 26 May - 24 June 136. - 2. P.
Fay. 307 descr. An application to lease land. Philoteris, 9 July 132. - 3. P. Oxy.
III, 637 descr. A declaration of property. Oxyrhynchus, 109-117.
No: 2007-0642
76306. George Bevan, "Three Unpublished Documents from the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library. Avec résumé en anglais.," BASP, 44 (2007), pp. 27-40. [xml] [edit]
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