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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 364 Epistulae
Index bis: 145.4 P. Oxy. XVIII, 2190; XXXIII, 2680; XLVIII, 3396-3397
Titre: HUTCHINSON Gregory O., Down among the Documents: Criticism and Papyrus Letters.
Publication: Ruth MORELLO and A.D. MORRISON (Edd.), Ancient Letters. Classical and Late Antique Epistolography (Oxford, 2007) pp. 17-36, 4 figg.
Résumé: Paper read at the "Ancient Letters Conference" in July 2004, Manchester. - Relies mainly on: P. Oxy. XVIII, 2190; XXXIII, 2680; XLVIII, 3396-3397.
No: 2007-0885


76552. Gregory O. Hutchinson, "Down among the Documents: Criticism and Papyrus Letters." in Ruth Morello and A.D. Morrison eds.Ancient Letters. Classical and Late Antique Epistolography, 17-36. [xml] [edit]