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Original BP record

Index: 143.12 / 143.4 145.4
Index bis: 143.12 / 143.4 T. Dublin National Mus. of Ireland Inv. 1892:238; 1892:239 145.4 S.B. I, 1606
Titre: MUHS Brian and Klaas A. WORP, Yet More Duplicate Mummy Labels.
Publication: ZPE 162 (2007) pp. 213-214.
Résumé: Edition of two bilingual mummy labels (Greek / Demotic) kept in the National Museum of Ireland. - Inv. 1892:239 (from Bompae) is virtually identical with S.B. I, 1606 (= C.E.M.G. 1695) from the Louvre. - There is no published duplicate of Inv. 1892:238 (from Psonis).
No: 2007-0998


76665. Brian Muhs and Klaas A. Worp, "Yet More Duplicate Mummy Labels.," ZPE, 162 (2007), pp. 213-214. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

S.B. I 1606