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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 145.4 217 714
Index bis: 141.4 P. Paris Bibl. Nat. Suppl. Gr. 1291.1 P. Pennsylvania Univ. Libr. sans No. d'Inv. 145.4 P. Bodl. I, 62
Titre: BENAISSA Amin, Two Bishops Named Senuthes: Prosopography and New Texts.
Publication: ZPE 166 (2008) pp. 179-194, 2 figg.
Résumé: I. Two Bishops Senuthes: Prosopographical Soundings: I. Abba Senuthes, bishop of Apollinopolis Minor; - II. Abba Senuthes, bishop of Antinoopolis and vicar of the patriarch in Upper Egypt; - III. Abba Senuthes, acquaintance of bishop Taurinus, and the question of the identity of Senuthes I and Senuthes II. - II. Donation of Wheat and Wine to Bishop Senuthes. P. Pennsylvania Univ. Libr. sans No. d'Inv. [previously in the private collection of Anthony J. Drexel]. Apollinopolis Minor, VI/VII. - III. Donation in Kind to Bishop Senuthes. P. Paris Bibl. Nat. Suppl. Gr. 1291.1. VI/VII. - IV. Donations to Bishop abba Senuthes: A Contextualisation. - Pp. 193-194: Appendix: A Full Edition of P. Bodl. I, 62.
No: 2008-0048


76891. Amin Benaissa, "Two Bishops Named Senuthes: Prosopography and New Texts.," ZPE, 166 (2008), pp. 179-194. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

P. Bodl. I 62