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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 217 241 Nome Arsinoïte
Index bis: 145.4 P. Lond. I, 113, 6b (p. 214) P. Vindob. Graec. Inv. 36435 S.P.P. X, 249; 293; XX, 216
Titre: GONIS Nikolaos, Notes on the Aristocracy of Byzantine Fayum.
Publication: ZPE 166 (2008) pp. 203-210.
Résumé: I. An elusive patricius and his heirs. S.P.P. XX, 216 (= S.B. XVIII, 13952). - II. The estate of Sophia, patricia. - III. The dossier of Fl. Theodosios. - IV. Some great landlords before the Conquest. [S.P.P. X, 249.] - V. An addendum to the dossier of Strategius 'Paneuphemos'. [S.P.P. X, 293 (= S.B. I, 4873)]. - VI. Fl. Gerontios, spectabilis comes. [P. Lond. I, 113, 6b (p. 214) = M.Chrest. 147.] - VII. Fl. Kalomenas, spectabilis comes. [P. Vindob. Graec. Inv. 36435 (= S.B. XVI, 13016.]
No: 2008-0300


77144. Nikolaos Gonis, "Notes on the Aristocracy of Byzantine Fayum.," ZPE, 166 (2008), pp. 203-210. [xml] [edit]

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