Original BP record
Index: 416 712
Titre: CLARYSSE Willy and Mario C.D. PAGANINI, Theophoric Personal Names in Graeco-Roman
Egypt. The Case of Sarapis. Avec résumé en anglais.
Publication: ArchPF 55 (2009) pp. 68-89, 5 tabl., 9 diagrammes, 1 fig.
Résumé: [Introduction.] - 1. The Database. - 2. Using the Database for Quantification. - 3.
The Earliest Examples. - 4. Sarapis and Serapis. - 5. The Greekness of the Names.
- 6. Social Spread. - 7. Sarapis Names in Family Traditions. - 8. The Christian Name
Sarapion. - 9. The Compound Names Sarapammon, Sarap(i)odoros and Philosarapis. - 10.
The Hypocoristics Sarapas, Sarapous and Saras.
No: 2009-0103
77624. Willy Clarysse and Mario C.D. Paganini, "Theophoric Personal Names in Graeco-Roman Egypt. The Case of Sarapis. Avec résumé en anglais.," ArchPF, 55 (2009), pp. 68-89. [xml] [edit]
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